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Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Full Time

at Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust Manchester in Manchester (Published at 06-11-2023)

1.3 Facilities The Maternity Services are located in an older part of the Trusts estate, Charlesworth Building, with a refurbished ante-natal clinic and a recently opened midwifery-led unit the Acorn Birth Centre (ABC). Approximately 8% of women have their babies on the ABC. The maternity unit also includes the delivery suite, with one dedicated maternity theatre, a maternity triage/ day-case area, an in-patient post-natal /antenatal ward and consultant offices. A level two neonatal unit is situated next to the in-patient ward with transitional care facility.

Communication between different staff groups clinical and managerial - is enhanced because of the close proximity of all these services.Gynaecology outpatients including colposcopy, uro-gynaecolgy and hysteroscopy is located across from the Charlesworth Building in our main Hartshead Building along with elective surgery.1.4 Approximate Annual Activity FiguresBirths 2,000Obstetric outpatients 15,000Gynaecology inpatients 1,300Gynaecology outpatient 17,000 OBE1.5 Nurse/midwife-led servicesThe Gynaecology Outpatient Nursing Team includes a Nurse Practitioner who provides colposcopy and hysteroscopy. A further nurse is currently in colposcopy training with another in hysteroscopy training. There is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner who supports EarlyPregnancy and Emergency Gynaecology Services. There is a plan to develop additional nurse-led clinics in Gynaecology.There is an award-winning Enhanced Midwifery Team for vulnerable/at-risk mothers and a well-established smoking cessation service for pregnant women.The department also has 2 Midwife Sonographers, with a further midwife undergoing sonography training.

SECTION 2- THE POST2.1 Job OverviewPostThe post holder will: Support the emergency gynaecology service. Be part of the out of hours on call rota (currently 1:10) Provide outpatient clinics this may be face to face or telephone based. Carry out gynaecological surgery. (minimum 0.5pa)The above will be part of a 10 10.5 pa job plan agreed ahead of commencing employment with the successful candidate.Other activities will be based upon the interest(s) of the successful candidate.

SECTION 3 FACILITIES SUPPORTING THE POSTSecretarial support is provided by a dedicated admin and clerical team. Senior secretarial support will be available. Routine clinical typing is carried out in a typing pool.An office is available within the Maternity department. The room may be shared with another consultant.

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