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Specialist Unified Communications Engineer Full Time

at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Other in Other (Published at 10-10-2024)

The Specialist Unified Communications Engineer is a senior member of the Technical Services team responsible for design, architecture and support of the data and voice network infrastructure. You are expected to be highly skilled and experienced in advanced technologies to also s upp o rt a n d m a i n t a i n a ll op er a t i o n al a c t i v i t i es o f t h e network e n v i r o n m e n t.

The p o st h o l d er w i l l rep o rt to t h e Unified Communications team leader and c o l l a b o rate d i r ec t ly w ith o t h er m e m b ers w i t h i n the t e am and technical services dep a r t men t .

Responsible for maintaining infrastructure at high levels of availability, focused on improving infrastructure reliability and addressing recurring issues by recommending and implementing system improvements in line with internal change controls. This is a primary requirement to focus on the day-to-day business as usual data and voice network infrastructure .

Responsible for completing all assigned tickets within the IT service management system in line with service level agreements and escalating any likely breaches.

Installation, configuration and support of infrastructure equipment.

Technical design and planning of IT architecture.

Responsible for capacity planning, ensuring sufficient resource exist to maintain access to systems in a highly available state.

Responsible for providing technical expertise w it h i n t h e Trusts IT I n frastr u ctu r e with expertise:

Local and Wide Area Networking

Wireless LAN infrastructure

Voice communication systems

Load balancing

Cyber Security

Data cabling

Managing infrastructure updates and upgrades with minimal impact.

Lead in the design of future network and security infrastructure environments.

Proactive engagement with projects, providing technical support and ensuring the most efficient use of limited resources.

Work closely with the security team to deal with security related incidents.

Participate in regular on call rota.

Provide technical escalation point for other teams within CITS

The Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) is the main provider of acute and specialist care services in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. We serve a population of around 500,000 people - a figure that can increase significantly with

visitors during the busiest times of the year. We employ approximately 6,700 staff and have a budget of approximately £580 million.

We are a teaching hospital in partnership with the University of Exeter Medical School, University of Plymouth School of Nursing and Midwifery, and Peninsula Dental School.

The Knowledge Spa on the Royal Cornwall Hospital site is the base for medical and nursing as well as ongoing education for health professions in clinical and non-clinical roles.

Keeping at the forefront of medical advances, we are continually developing our clinical services as well as our facilities and are committed to maximising the range of specialist care that can be offered locally. Allied to this is a growing reputation for research and innovation.

PLEASE NOTE: To view the full Job Description and Person Specification, please click the supporting document on the right-hand side.

To be an employee of the NHS you need to successfully complete the following:

Identity Checks

Professional registration and qualification checks

Employment history and reference checks

Work health assessments

Criminal record check standards

Right to work checks

For further information please visit:

Many of our staff work flexibly in many different ways. Please talk to us at interview about any flexible working arrangements you would prefer or require. While we may not be able to fully accommodate all requests, such requests will not be referenced during the interview scoring process, and we will fully consider and try to accommodate them for successful applicants.

We reserve the right to close this advert early, or when the allocated number of applications has been reached. Please submit your application at the earliest opportunity.

Recent jobs at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

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